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Engage With Us

People understand the word engagement. It becomes brilliantly purposeful when it is framed as “engage the enemy.” The enemy we are meeting is difficult to tackle as it can be found in tuition costs, auto title notes, payday loans, and impossible-to-pay healthcare bills run up in and through the VA system. It will require us to be at the top of our game in all four of the below categories if we expect to win.


Time, goods, services, and donations – all will be put to good use. We are a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Private Foundation and donatins are tax deductible.


EVD is a charity that intends to do more than clean up after the parade or to address symptoms rather than diseases. In our “searchlight/spotlight/ignite” fashion we intend to locate and vet those Solution Providers not yet discovered and place them in the spotlight through our exclusive Media Pool of service veteran journalists and our Now Hear This newspaper. What better way to ignite interest and attract funding clients and partners?


This can take the form of co-fundraising, marketing and information sharing, workshops and summits, and management expertise. EVD is not here to do what its partners are already doing. We’re here to elevate and broadcast that work to create greater local and national awareness. At the Sponsor level, their greater resources and social responsibility will be put to work to “make a difference” that people talk about, but few actually experience.


If you don’t know about the problem or don’t understand the problem, you can’t do anything about the problem. EVD will feature a team of Social Media Experts (SME’s) committed to answering the questions asked of us by veterans and their families – and speaking from personal experience. EVD will have its own counselors to keep us on track and pointed true north. In addition to the traditional board of advisors, EVD can tap the wisdom of respected thought leaders.

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