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News For Veterans
by Veterans
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Publisher's Corner

‘Bout that Thorin guy…
As you can see from the news layout on our media page, Now Hear This, this fellow and his experience with the VA and the medical debt that came fro...

Guest Viewpoint

Veteran Suicide Must End. Erasing their Debt is Where to Start

After taking on the role in 2020 as Director of Behavioral Health Programs and then Director of Veterans Programs for the Staten Island Performing Provider System (SIPPS), I was tasked with improving health outcomes for our Staten Island community...

2023 George Washington Symposium. The Role of the military in a Democracy

Host: George Washington’s Mount Vernon in Virginia. Author Rick Atkinson and, Generals Joseph Dunford, John Kelly, and Jim Mattis. @CSPAN

“What are you willing to die for? Isn’t that the essential question behind each and every person who ever volunteered for service? Enjoy this enlightening 1hr/6min interview which weaves 1776 colonial armies and their commonalities with today’s military and its veterans. Begin the tape at 25:00.