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4th of July Realities for Our Veterans - Out of Sight. Out of Mind. Out of Luck.

It’s that remarkable once-a-year day of hot dogs, flags waving, holiday sales, patriotic music, and parades galore. On this one specific day commemorating the lives and fortunes of military members lost over the last hundreds of years to wars and skirmishes, today’s veterans get a nod of appreciation. Today.

Today’s veterans would gladly sacrifice this day of attention with a more tangible form of appreciation than the standard “Thank you for your service” salutation. Start by listening to our vets, those saddled with both medical Problems and medical debt.

Two film clips by French-born Filmmaker Patrick de Warren, who has painstakingly been assembling interviews with veterans to include in a documentary on America’s broken healthcare system, deserve your look-see and listen. Sincere, compelling, heart-breaking.

These are real vets and family members voicing real concerns that have not gotten the real attention they need. Literally billions of dollars of medical debt are burdening our bravest; millions of dollars in healthcare services being withheld.

You can stop it from going on and on and on

Nothing changes until something changes.

Their horrific stories foreshadow what young men and women entering the service this year, and in the years to come, will continue to experience unless something sparks that change. YOU can be that change-agent by caring enough to educate yourself and others as to this travesty.

Here’s a petition that will start that process – kindly sign TODAY.

You can do your diligence at our End Veteran Medical Debt site. The vets in these films and thousands of others will benefit from a true act of Thank You.