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News For Veterans
by Veterans
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Publisher's Corner

‘Bout that Thorin guy…
As you can see from the news layout on our media page, Now Hear This, this fellow and his experience with the VA and the medical debt that came fro...

Guest Viewpoint

Veteran Suicide Must End. Erasing their Debt is Where to Start

After taking on the role in 2020 as Director of Behavioral Health Programs and then Director of Veterans Programs for the Staten Island Performing Provider System (SIPPS), I was tasked with improving health outcomes for our Staten Island community...

End Veteran Debt and SupportVets Announce the Launch of the SupportVetApp Website and Their High-Tech/High Impact Partnership

Some people simply cannot help sharing their bounty. Actually, driven to share it, in the case of Army veteran Walter Brock. 

As someone medically separated from the US Army and comfortably nestled in his specialty of real estate development, he developed, as he says, “A growing concern that I was enjoying the American Dream where most veterans and their families sacrificed much more. I decided I needed to create a way to replicate this prosperity.”

This intention was further motivated through an encounter with a Marine friend in his circle who needed a job, direction, and encouragement. From this experience, Walter determined that he needed to create an ecosystem to accessible by phone to enhance veteran prosperity and increase access to veteran-created businesses and charities.

That application will be formally unveiled and launched on – what else? – July 4.

What exactly is SupportVets?

At the tactical level, it is a mobile app that helps veterans and service members to locate support organizations and for consumers to find veteran and member-owned businesses in their local area. 

“The differentiator,” Walter explains, “between other veteran support apps and websites is in its collaborative structure. Players in the veteran support arena offer to combine efforts to achieve something synergist and not ‘siloed and separate’.”

With a powerful, commercial grade tech stack capable of ingesting fresh data and Star Ratings and Review features to assess veteran owned businesses and VSO’s and government offerings, only organizations or businesses that deliver on their promises will survive. The SupportVets seal of approval and certification will be essential to that. 

Why the EndVeteranDebt Partnership?

When SupportVets learned of EVD’s ability to bring both local and national attention to veteran causes and their “Solution Providers,” he was all in. When access to the weekly Veteran Misson Possible (VMP) Zoom meetings and a powerful national campaign to abolish $80M in veteran debt was thrown in – “It was a no-brainer,” Walter said.

“Just like the SupportVets app, there is no mandatory fee to be engaged or listed. It’s only when people want to take a more active role in providing services or support systems that a modest fee is charged,” Walter adds. “In our case, it can be someone becoming a Patriot Partner for $9.99 USD per month. In EVD’s case, it could be signing on as a Plank Owner of their not-for-profit private charitable foundation for as little as $500 or committing to a major co-fundraising campaign such as Operation Debt-Day.”

“I also like their ability to go international in their work of securing greater public awareness of the needs of returning military people. There isn’t a country among our allies that is giving its veterans the care and help they need. We will be doing our part in Great Britain on November 11. Perhaps together,” he says, “EVD and we can change that picture.”

(For more details on SupportVets, go to To learn how to enroll in EVD’s Operation Debt-Day, go to

Jerry Ashton

End Veteran Debt & co-founder, RIP Medical Debt