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News For Veterans
by Veterans
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Publisher's Corner

Our ForgiveCo Partner, Craig Antico, Given the “Beloved Community Spotlight” by the Martin Luther King Center
From the earliest days of the charity we co-created (RIP Medical Debt), I saw in day-to-day action the qualities that the Beloved Community Awards ...

Guest Viewpoint

Veteran Suicide Must End. Erasing their Debt is Where to Start

After taking on the role in 2020 as Director of Behavioral Health Programs and then Director of Veterans Programs for the Staten Island Performing Provider System (SIPPS), I was tasked with improving health outcomes for our Staten Island community...

"Thank You for Your Service" - Our Veterans Are Not Being Taken Care of?

Less than 1% of this country are veterans. But, veterans are committing suicide at a rate of 22 per day. For a significant number of them, the post death analysis has been: they’re in debt, up to their ears.

Yes, there are assumptions that all veterans get their healthcare free for life once they get out of their service commitment, but this is not the case.

The first step in progress is the release from debt - release from economic problems. If you do not have that, without being a medical person, I think recovery is almost impossible.

That’s what I just want to open your eyes to, that veterans medical debt is out there. It’s big. It tears up families. It tears up veterans. It tears up their credit rating. Everything goes into the gutter. I’ve seen. I’ve seen the look on the faces, and it’s not a pretty site.