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Give a Lifeline to a Veteran Drowning in Debt!

Debt is killing those who served our country. 

Debt is a factor in homelessness, incarceration, substance abuse, broken marriages, personal bankruptcies, and even suicide.

Let's change this. For them. For us. For good.

Debt Devastates Veterans and Their Families

Retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel Bob Bent Speaking in Washington

Retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel Bob Bent makes the connection between debt and suicide crystal clear. Post-death analysis of veterans who commit suicide, for a significant number of them, has been that “they’re in debt – up to their ears.”

This is why End Veteran Debt and our Debt-Day Campaign had to come into existence.

Unpayable Debt is a Social Determinant of Suicide

17.9 Million Veterans

America is home to 17.9 million veterans. The average age of a veteran is 58 years old vs. 38.5 years for the general population. They are more likely than civilians to suffer mental and physical health challenges.

Billions of Dollars in Debt

In addition to millions of dollars in predatory debt and debt of necessity, the VA has declined to pay over $6B in medical claims presented by our veterans. It’s time to change that ugly picture.

44 Per Day

Extensive studies show that on average veterans commit suicide at a rate of 44 per day. Debt brought about by homelessness, PTSD, job loss, incarceration, isolation and relentless pursuit by creditors were major contributors to these tragedies.

Help a Veteran Thrive Debt-Free

Your tax-deductible donation is used to buy packages of Veteran debt verified by our expert debt acquisition team. Our criteria locates profiles of Veterans who are most in need.

How Do Veterans Get Into Harm's Way?

Life-Changing Events

Debt collection pursuit invariably precedes or follows life-altering events such as job loss, home foreclosure, divorce, unpayable predatory debt and debt of necessity, and more – enough to push a Vet over the age. Our Debt-Day Campaign to remove $80M in veteran debt can greatly reduce those stressors and reduce their suicide rate.

Social Determinants

“Upstream” from a Veteran’s physical, emotional, or mental state are incidents or circumstances that will lead to debt and despair: unemployment, losing a home, the health of a vet or a family member, divorce, addiction, and unemployment as examples.

Inflexible VA Policies

Contrary to common belief, Veterans do not automatically receive no or low-cost healthcare. The program is “discretionary” and provides innumerable barriers to how – or even if – a Vet qualifies.

Veterans DO NOT Receive Free or Affordable Healthcare

Free VA healthcare isn't guaranteed for all veterans. Eligibility depends on enrollment criteria. While the VA offers free healthcare for service-related conditions, not every veteran qualifies automatically and Medicare doesn't cover care at VA facilities. Help us ensure our Veterans can get the care they deserve without breaking the bank.

Veterans face staggering medical debt, totaling billions. Join our campaign to wipe out this debtno strings attached. With your awareness and support, we can make it happen.

"Suicide Bridge" - Disabled military veteran and Marine Kenneth James shines a spotlight on the infamous Pasadena's Colorado Street Bridge also known as the "Suicide Bridge". Debt is a key factor pushing Veterans to take their own lives.

Veteran Challenges

Veterans face many challenges which lead to debt, hard times, and depression. We strive to shed light on these issues so that Veterans who gave everything don't come home to world that discounts and discards them.


Getting treated for non-service related issues or ones that the VA don't yet recognize can cause health bills to pile up,


PTSD and other factors can make it difficult for Veterans to afford adequate housing for themselves or their families.


Unexpected life events such as major health issues for a family member or loss of a loved one can upend a Veterans ability to cope with the world around them.


Difficulties due to re-entry into civilian life sometimes causes Veterans to get into unexpected legal trouble which could incur a burdensome cost. Certain legal issues can also cause a Veteran to lose promised government benefits which may land them in hot water.


Civilian life is much different from Service life. Lack of provided accomodations and lack of direction from superior officers can leave Veterans feeling lost and directionless. Without community involvement, Veterans can get sucked into negative behaviors and unmanageable debt.


Returning home after witnessing the most hellish events anyone could imagine combined with all the other challenges of adapting to civilian life can leave a Veteran feeling isolated. The "be strong" and "keep it together" training necessary in the Service is ill-suited for helping Veterans navigate this ultimate challenge where life is literally on the line.

Answering the Call

End Veteran Debt (EVD), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit private foundation, along with a significant number of Veteran organizations and charities, has taken on the task of thinking globally and acting locally in a campaign we call Operation Debt-Day.

On a global/national level, EVD will bring America’s attention to one of the social determinants that contribute to Veteran suicide by eliminating $1M in veteran debt across the country. Acting locally, additional monies generated from this co-fundraising effort will be used to meet immediate financial challenges Veterans and their families cannot handle.

A unique mechanism: Our organization can purchase packages of Veteran debt matching our criteria of those most in need at pennies on the dollar and then abolish it. This mechanism allows us to scale your donations for maximum impact!

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Partner Up!

Do you represent an organization that is in alignment with our mission of forgiving and wiping out Veteran debt? If so, then we want to hear from you so we can work together.