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News For Veterans
by Veterans
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Publisher's Corner

‘Bout that Thorin guy…
As you can see from the news layout on our media page, Now Hear This, this fellow and his experience with the VA and the medical debt that came fro...

Guest Viewpoint

Veteran Suicide Must End. Erasing their Debt is Where to Start

After taking on the role in 2020 as Director of Behavioral Health Programs and then Director of Veterans Programs for the Staten Island Performing Provider System (SIPPS), I was tasked with improving health outcomes for our Staten Island community...

‘Bout that Thorin guy…

As you can see from the news layout on our media page, Now Hear This, this fellow and his experience with the VA and the medical debt that came from that, is getting a lot of attention. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy.

He has generously allowed us at End Veteran Debt and our partners to use his story in our national campaign to bring America’s awareness to how too many of our returned warriors with seen and unseen wounds which down the road are dismissed or disallowed under current policies. Kinda fashioning "People Over Profits" to Policies Over People to compete in today's social welfare climate, ya think? 

He didn’t choose to represent his brothers and sisters in arms; that role chose him.

Because we have a history. Some of it will be revealed in this column now. The rest more completely in an upcoming article.

First encounter – a subject in a book I co-authored, End Medical Debt

My fellow co-founders and I of RIP Medical Debt set about writing this book to open eyes and educate minds about medical debt and its tragic effects on Americans. It was the first of its kind, and a clarion call.

After researching veteran medical debt, I chose to write a chapter titled “No Thank You For Your Service” and go into details as to how the VA – overall a wonderful organization and treasured by our veterans – failed all too many. It’s worth the read, and you can download that chapter here. 

The song “The Price We Paid” – a tribute to Michael Thorin – will open your heart. The chapter will open your eyes.

Always more to follow…