Publisher's Corner

Guest Viewpoint
Veteran Suicide Must End. Erasing their Debt is Where to Start
Finding the Secret
Our 501(c)(3) private charitable foundation, End Veteran Debt (EVD), intends to abolish $80 million in unpaid and unpayable (and unjust) veteran debt. Yes, we can and will. And while we’re doing that, we will make headlines. Which, in turn, makes fundraising even easier for us and our partners.
One of the biggest challenges in fundraising for any charity is catching the public’s attention and creating a broader awareness of your mission and the importance of your work. I know this through having in 2014 co-founded the highly respected national charity RIP Medical Debt. We struggled for years before finding the secret.
Greater awareness has historically been proven to increase funding, attract star-power board members, and develop loyal donors. All of which makes the difference between just getting by or getting awesome. To quote my favorite self and speak from experience, “If they don’t know about you, they can’t do anything about you.”
For example, let me use EVD’s launch on June 6, 2024, of our 2024-2025 “Operation Debt-Day” national campaign to eliminate $80,000,000 in unpaid and unpayable veteran debt.
Why that sum, and the purpose? Symbolically, EVD and its partners will collaborate to abolish $1M in debt to commemorate each of the 80 years that have passed since the “D-Day” landings at Normandy on June 6, 1944.
The purpose is to see that debt, a proven social determinant of suicidal ideation and the act itself, is eliminated and that burden released.
We’re excited to report that we will be bringing aboard our first partner, a major non-profit health organization on the East Coast that intends to be a lead entity in creating a Social Care Network (SCN) that will work with 70 military and civilian entities to address veteran suicide, homelessness, incarceration and other economic-social ills epidemic in that population.
Shhh, still a secret.
You’ll have to wait until we complete the necessary agreements so that we can make the announcement at one of our Zoom Veteran Mission Possible (VMP) community meetings on Mondays, which take place from noon to 1 pm and 5 to 6 pm weekly.
Here’s the link for that:
Meeting ID: 874 9343 0432
Passcode: 696505